Friday, May 25, 2012

Pre-Made Pages For NY.

I have been throwing together pages to work on while I am in new York. Right now I am working on my big book. The page that says "your heart will always lead..." Was drawn by Joanne sharp. I drew it from hers and I'm going to color it. None of these pages are finished.

The rest I have used anything from stencils to stamps to paint and paper tape! I can't wait to use them. I also traced some of my yummy stencils and so I can color and zentangle inside of them I can't wait!

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Friday, May 18, 2012

One Page Doodle

I sat down on Sunday and decided that I wanted to do one whole page of doodling with out throwing away what I started. No matter how much I wanted to throw it away because I thought that it looked like crap or I messed up, I just kept going and making it work. I have problems with trying to be a perfectionist, but I have to realize that it doesn't have to be that way and that it is beautiful with its imperfections. 

So here it is.


Hope you guys like it! :) Pin It

Time on the Farm

Every week I drive to Red Oak to see and take care of my horse Molly. Some days I feel so tired that I just don't want to get out of bed but then I think of Molly and it makes me want to get moving. I have always been more sensitive to animals and their feelings but I never really thought horses were anything other then large animals that you could ride. I knew they felt pain and stuff but I didn't think that their personalities went any further then being a "good" horse or being a "bad" horse.
That all changed when I got Molly. I have been taking care of her for almost a year now, and at first it was very slow going. I knew nothing about horses and I had never really been around them. I was very nervous. Molly lives with 9 other horses and when you are standing in the middle of the entire crew, it can be quite over whelming. With the help of my Aunt Karol & Gail, I was able to get used to the simple ground work that I needed to feel comfortable. Once Molly began to get used to my routine and realized that I was someone of importance to her, her affection level has gone through the roof. 
When I started working with her I felt like she didn't "like" me because she never walked up to me or did things that some of the other horses would do. After a bit of teaching, I was quick to learn that horses aren't going to be like dogs or cats. Horses show afftection in different ways, and if those horses happen to be attached to their herds, they aren't going to be as dependent on you for their happiness. 

Molly had taught me many things in the short year that I have been working with her. Most importantly, she has taught me patience. And when I ask her to do something, and she doesn't do it, or she does it incorrectly, more often then not it is because I asked her to do it wrong. Horses are also fun, not just a lot of work. I have taught her how to shake "hands." She was a first in a lot of things and she makes me truly happy when I am around her. No TV's, no phones, no nothing to disturb me. And whenever it is just the two of us, I feel more creative and more daring in my art, to where instead of just dreaming about being able to draw, I actually put the pen to the paper and do it. 

She enlightens me in ways that I never thought were possible, and she never has to say a word. Pin It

Monday, May 14, 2012

Moving Along

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Whole Page Doodle

I am trying to do a whole page without throwing it away half way through. Still working on it.


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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Letter Love

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Ramblings of a Girl Gone Crazy.

I feel like I should write more in this thing, and every day I sit down and I look through everyone else's blogs and I am jealous because I want to be able to have the same thing. Have an awesome journal with a smattering of followers and enjoy sharing my work. I love sharing my pictures of Facebook and such but it seems like I never actually finish something. I have a billion projects going on and a lot of things that I would love to share with you ladies but it just seems like I never get anything done! I keep thinking that I need to reinvent myself so I can be like these wonderfully talented women around me but when I try, I end up losing myself even more.

From here on out, I am going to try to A.) make more blog posts and B.) be who I am supposed to be, not what I see in everyone else. 

Someone help me. lol Pin It

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Finished Product!

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These are just a few things I saw online and thought I would try. Still working on them. :b

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