The quote that I found was beautiful; "Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or to usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky," by Rabindranath Tagore. I shortened it up a bit to, "Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky." I added a few clouds and the color would be the melted crayons. I PAINSTAKINGLY cut out each letter and cloud in some clear masking tape and I STRATEGICALLY laid them on the canvas - mind you every time I moved a letter sometimes they ripped and tore and I had to REDO them. Several times.
Non the less I kept pushing through, excited for the final product.
Once completely on the canvas, I got the crayons ready to be melted. This part was fun because I am in loved with all colors. Me and Crayola go WAY back. I used a Exact-o knife to cut the wrappers off the crayons so I could use them for a later project - I have to do something with them I can't just throw them away. That and, I love the names that they pick out for each color. My favorite growing up is Robin's Egg Blue - and I remember my first pack that had it in the 96 count tin cans.
ANYWAYS, I decided to use a hot glue gun to melt them instead of gluing and a hair dryer. Crayon wax is not as hot as regular wax but it still stings non the same. And it is messy and difficult to get through with out the crayons breaking or the crayon moving through on it's own. My fingers and palm were quite sore.

This project is messy but on my coffee table the dried crayon wax just came right up. I tried to keep everything on a page but it didn't work. I was very irritated at the end of the crayon melting but I did it. When the wax dried I couldn't really see where the tape underneath it was. When I found it, THAT tore and broke the wax and it did NOT come up the way I wanted it to.
I got one cloud off and tried to get the C off but it didn't work. I didn't even take pictures of it I was so disgusted. What I think that I am going to do is use a hair dryer to re-melt the wax and see if I can get the tape up any easier.
Pray for me.
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