Monday, July 16, 2012

First Attempt At People.

I have been wanting to be able to draw for a very long time.

I thought that I couldn't draw "correctly" if I didn't have ALL the supplies. Now that I have ALL the supplies, I can't draw because I don't have the right atmosphere. The other day I just had to tell myself to STOP IT. If drawing is something that I want to do, I need to bite the bullet and do it. 

SO, I was browsing blogs and I came across a very simple drawing of a girl smelling a flower. Here is the blog I got this picture from as well as the picture. Living Creatively.

This is the drawing from Living Creatively.

I absolutely loved this drawing. It is so simple yet speaks volumes of what I have been feeling lately. Everything seems to be rushing past me and I panic. I rarely sit down and just relax and take my surroundings in. So, I drew and painted and stamped and taped and this is the final product. The quote is actually from an episode from True Blood. Anyways, here she is - my first attempt!

Happy Journaling!

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  1. Ashley,
    What a beautiful job you did! I'm so happy to know that something of mine inspired someone else. And I love what you wrote, "If drawing is something that I want to do, I need to bite the bullet and do it." Exactly!
    No one needs the "right supplies," or atmosphere, or age, experience, job... you simply need to get moving! I hope you keep drawing, every day!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your work. It is the little steps and hurdles that I need to get over. I am slowly getting there!!

  3. These are wonderful little beings. You did a great job.
